Congregational United Church of Christ
Newton, Iowa
No matter who you are or where you are on life's journey, you are welcome!
God Is Still Speaking!
Come Listen with Us!

Clergy & Staff
Our Pastor
Kurt S. Hoover

Pastor Hoover is returning to his own roots. He is a 1975 Newton High School graduate and was raised as a member of First Lutheran Church in Newton. He responded to the call to ministry and attended Luther Seminary after experiencing divorce and remarriage to Barbara. They attended a UCC congregation together. Prior to returning to Newton Hoover has served two rural Lutheran churches at the same time, but leading 2 churches of different denominations is new for him and he is welcoming the new opportunities. As a second career pastor he has been energized by this vocation and is looking forward to many years of ministry here in Newton. Pastor Hoover and his wife, Barbara, are excited to live in Newton and serve these two distinct congregations, and practice their faith in Newton.
Our Administrative Assistant -
Anne Gerken

Our Organist -
Bev Thomas

Our Custodian -
Jim Christenson